Q & A

More than Q&A’s, these are A’s before they become Q’s (via email or phone)


All images have been sorted into folders:

* Grads on Stage (which may include a few strays I didn’t have time to sort, when I pulled that camera off tripod on impulse…)
* Cars & Candids (Trojan Grad Parade)
* Vendors & Decor (for faculty keepsake and other businesses to use for marketing)

We used 3 cameras for multiple perspectives, all synchronized by time. If you are viewing in “ALL IMAGES” you might see yourself holding a diploma in one frame, and then a shot from another camera of something unrelated, before seeing your others.

For comprehensive results, we recommend viewing by Grads on Stage folder, until you find yourself, then switch to viewing all images. Toggle back a few to see the lead-up to yours, and then a few after, just to make sure you saw them all. We did our best to get multiple from both camera angles, and a third camera was added for mostly car shots as time allowed.

You get five (5) free image-file downloads - all printable up to 8x12 EXCEPT for those in the Cap & Gown folders. Those are larger files to give you crop

If you are on your phone - THIS IS THE TIME TO GET ON A COMPUTER!!!

I cannot reply to 390+ requests for the file you were too anxious to manage, so I’m putting it here…

You can share it later, first - secure it, using our FREE PHOTO FILE SYSTEM - (from your computer, or via cloud file system)

Yes, you can post YOUR likeness on social media - PLEASE respect the privacy preferences of your fellow classmates who may not be as interested in being online. Mutual respect is on-the-rise, so please do not download, print or post images of others without their consent. #mutualrespect

SOCIAL MEDIA & TAGGING - YES PLEASE - tag @studiobpdx on IG or FB. I do have a dusty Snap account @gratitudaholic - but no time to even look up if you CAN tag me… Feel free, if you think it will help my business exposure (that’s how little I know about snap) - PLEASE BACK UP THE FULL SIZE FILES - THESE APPS DESTROY ORIGINALS (reduced quality to make them show on a screen - THEY ARE NOT STORAGE, just a little thumb, of a printable, historic memory)

IMAGE LICENSES (EULA - End User License Agreement) - Professional photography is like licensed music.

Federal Laws protect us from unwarranted use. Sadly, THIS IS RARELY TAUGHT IN PHOTO CLASSES (where you have the “Fair Use Act” to protect you for school publications) WELCOME TO THE OTHER SIDE… These images are “Copyrighted - Brian Geraths - Studio B Photography.

I added a very simple EULA for the files you download. I ask just ONE - SIMPLE - FAVOR… Credit me where you post. I did this gig asking for no money. I suspect that most people will not be donating since times are tight (I’m with you!), but please… Just give me some social media gratitude, if you cannot kick in a few bucks.

Tassels - Usually worn on right, then moved to the left later in the ceremony. Many students approached with them on left already, so we did our best to capture both ways. If you don’t see one on the other side - it was likely an undersized expression or blink.

That said, photos are typically done with the grads BEFORE they’re asked to move them to the right. The jury was still out on what we should do for a grad parade, so we did our best to just make sure they were happy.

Why so far away? - HUGE files were captured (thus editing time delays) so that you can crop a printable image from what we uploaded. NOTE: Like a haircut, you can always take more off, but once it’s cut/cropped… My goal was to give you creative license on vertical, horizontal, full ambiance, or cropped down to the black background.

Varied Lighting - It happens when Mother Nature takes my remote control away for those clouds I prefer. I did put in an order to ignore the rain icons, which worked for all but 10 minutes of 450 minutes of shooting time.

Retouching and/or Glass Glare - Can be done for $10-20 per image-file. Just email me the file numbers, and I’ll get them to my artist and send you an invoice…